Why Letting Go of Status Quo is Essential in the Workplace

It’s safe to say that in today’s workforce as a whole, things are changing. Benefits and job requirements that were once desirable to employees are becoming less so, while new priorities are taking shape. So, how can your business adapt?

Part of carving out a unique footprint as an employer today is understanding what potential employees and team members truly want — and what they don’t.

What we’re largely seeing is a shift in wants and needs, largely driven by a different set of priorities in younger generations. “Work” as we know it has also evolved, making it essential to evolve your policies, too.

Let’s take a deeper dive into what’s changing and why it’s important to adapt your business to keep up.

A Whole New World for Job Searching
If you’ve been working for a while, you’ve probably seen this change with your own eyes. But one of the changes that the workforce has seen in recent decades is an expansion in horizons, so to speak.

“When it comes to finding work today, there are so many options out there,” says Katie Love, Marketing Manager at WorkHound. “In the past, professional drivers might only know about jobs that were literally located down the road. But these days, drivers can find opportunities regionally or even across the country. There’s a whole new level of visibility about the job opportunities that exist.”

That increased visibility has made it more challenging than ever for businesses to find and retain exceptional employees. Keeping up with the competition now requires a different mindset — and the desire to continually tweak and refine benefits and other offerings to stay ahead of the curve.

What Employees Today Are Looking For
There’s been somewhat of a generational shift in the last few decades. Employees today are often looking for much more than just a paycheck. They’re also seeking an employer who can provide them with a sustainable level of work/life balance, solid benefits, and other support.

For many businesses, to be the ideal employer for today’s employees will require changes not just to policy but also to the fundamental processes used to develop it.

“In the past, decisions were made before businesses really knew what employees actually needed,” Love says. “They created and enacted policies based on what they thought employees would need and want versus what employees might actually need or want.”

Overcoming that status quo and making the shift requires gaining a true understanding of what potential employees and current employees are actually looking for. WorkHound is a tool that can provide that valuable insight, allowing you a true and unique understanding of what employees actually need, as well as what they may be seeing from other businesses in terms of benefits and offerings.

“Businesses have to find ways to stand out to prospective workers in a way that sets them apart from the competition,” Love says. “If they’re still holding on to old policies and not staying on track with worker benefit trends, it may them hold back.”

From what we’ve seen, workers know what they want. It’s up to you to ask them.

WorkHound provides you with the feedback mechanism you need to truly hear and understand your team members’ concerns. Ready to put that into action for your business? Contact us today for a demo!

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