How WorkHound Can Help You Streamline Communications

It’s pretty common to have a business with a large number of employees but a small number of people managing and facilitating those employees from the front office. And that balance brings a unique set of challenges, especially when it comes to formulating internal communications.

But the good news is, those are challenges that WorkHound can help you overcome.

The Challenge: A Lean Front Office Team
If your business operates with a small front office team, you are far from alone. In fact, many of the businesses that partner with WorkHound operate this way, and this is why feedback matters.

“Lots of companies today are running very lean,” says Cindy Wincek, Sr. Customer Success Manager at WorkHound. “That type of front office can lead to frustrations for employees — we get a lot of feedback that says a smaller front office is harder to communicate with. This setup presents challenges not only for the employees but also for the front office person who’s tasked with handling that feedback.”

The Solution: A Way to Prioritize
Being tasked with handling feedback and responding can become overwhelming quickly. But that’s where WorkHound can help by serving as an extension of your front office.

WorkHound gathers and distills the crucial feedback you’re looking for from your employees and can help you determine what fire to put out first, so to speak.

“It takes about 15 minutes each day for someone to read through the feedback employees have shared through WorkHound,” Wincek says. “The business is given autonomy to determine which ones need to be replied to quickly, such as those workers who are experiencing critical concerns that need to be addressed immediately. This helps a business narrow and refine priorities.”

So, what role does WorkHound play in helping a business streamline communications, you might wonder? It’s the same narrowing and refining of priorities mentioned above — on a larger scale.

“Once a business has decided which feedback needs to be handled urgently, they can then focus on quality communications rather than quantity,” Wincek says. “The goal is to identify which employees need immediate attention.”

Let the Feedback Be Your Guide

This same approach can also play out in terms of internal communications and HR messaging. Many businesses don’t necessarily know or understand what to include in their communication pieces — in other words, they’re often unsure about what the employees really need and want.

“A lot of companies that are trying to get internal communications off the ground don’t have any idea how to get started,” Wincek says. “They think they need to send out the same old HR messaging. But through WorkHound, these businesses get feedback about things like equipment maintenance and more granular questions about things like how to sign up for insurance. This feedback serves as a guide in helping them decide what messaging is most important to send out.”

Could your company’s internal communications use a boost? Use WorkHound to discover what your employees actually need and want more information about. Contact us today for a demo!

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