Logistics is a demanding field that is evolving alongside the economy at large. Complex supply chains, complicated inventory management, and coordination demands across multiple stakeholders create a complicated network of dynamics. With so many external forces at play, logistics companies must work diligently to maintain a reliable workforce that can keep their operations running smoothly. And WorkHound makes it easier.

Feedback from Your
Most Valuable Asset

At WorkHound , we understand that success in logistics depends on having a workforce that is engaged, motivated, and productive. Our employee retention platform allows employers to gather real-time feedback from workers on a regular basis with a unique text-message format, along with comprehensive support to ensure you can use the data you collect to its best use.

WorkHound For
Logistics Companies

With complete anonymity, workers are free to share their thoughts honestly without fear of reprisal. This encourages frequent and accurate data collection directly from your workforce. With this data, you can improve communication, boost retention, and re-shape company culture with data-based decision making. This, in turn, leads to increased engagement, improved employee retention rates, and ultimately higher levels of customer satisfaction as workers are happier, more productive, and more committed to providing quality service.

WorkHound For
Logistics Workers

WorkHound delivers a confidential and anonymous way to share their experiences and concerns directly with management. The platform gives the worker a real voice in conversations that impact a variety of issues, from working conditions, safety concerns, pay issues and communication problems. By empowering workers to speak up about issues that affect their job satisfaction and overall well-being, WorkHound helps companies identify areas for improvement and take action to address them.

Engagement and Retention
In Logistics

Engage your workforce and take action to make positive changes with WorkHound.

Collect anonymous feedback from logistics teams in real-time

Better understand the drivers behind worker satisfaction

Flag issues before they escalate into quit-worthy problems

Keep open lines of communication between management & frontline workers

Boost worker retention rates by identifying issues and addressing them specifically

Contact us for your free strategy session to see how WorkHound might look in your organization.

Let's Build Better Workplaces Together

Revolutionize your company culture and your worker retention rates by improving communication and engagement.

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