At WorkHound, we are revolutionizing how trucking companies and their drivers, office staff, and other logistics team members collaborate. In an industry known for having high turnover rates, our powerful technology helps businesses better understand their workforces and offers a clear path to improve recruitment and retention.

By implementing our comprehensive trucking feedback program, companies can gain real-time insights into their operations and create a more supportive environment for all employees. This program also enables driver managers to identify and address issues promptly, such as poor communication, planning related to home time, and load pickups, improving overall communication and efficiency within the team.

Hear From Our Customers

truck driver

An Ideal Solution for
the Trucking Industry

Long hours, complicated pay, and physical demands are challenging parts of the job for today’s truck drivers. On top of this, global factors continue to create uncertainty throughout the industry, and it’s easy to see why turnover has historically been so high. WorkHound gives drivers a voice in the noise, helping companies identify and address real-time issues with real-time feedback before they become problems, driving positive change throughout the industry.

Industry Trucking Carriers

WorkHound for
Trucking Carriers

For carriers, WorkHound provides a robust platform for improving workforce communications, company culture, recruitment, and retention. One of the biggest challenges faced by carrier companies is retaining drivers. By specifically identifying where and how to improve the driver experience, including addressing the needs of experienced drivers, WorkHound is helping carriers all over the country increase driver satisfaction and reduce truck driver turnover.

Truck Drivers

WorkHound for any
Truck Drivers

WorkHound provides an easy way for drivers to share anonymous feedback and have their voices heard directly by decision-makers. A heads-up about potential issues or changes can be crucial for maintaining safety and efficiency. Sharing feedback, be it positive or negative, empowers drivers to be an active part of the organization and the solution they seek. This approach to communications helps employers create a culture of trust and transparency, which in turn works to drive worker engagement and morale.

Trucking Personnel and Supply

WorkHound for
Trucking Personnel

The trucking industry is filled with various roles, from in-house office workers to warehouse teams to dispatch coordinators and more. Solo drivers often face challenges such as lower pay and limited opportunities, making team driving a more attractive option for many. WorkHound provides an ideal communication platform for these workers as well, offering an anonymous way for workers to share their work experiences in real time, giving leadership a more specific understanding of the workplace they’re trying to manage and support.

Powerful Insights For Driver Retention In Trucking

WorkHound’s smart platform provides a healthy feedback loop that supports a carrier’s most valuable asset: its workforce of drivers. It also helps ensure compliance with mandatory requirements such as the DOT drug test for CDL drivers.

Collect anonymous feedback from your entire fleet in real-time

Gain insight into driver satisfaction

Identify potential issues before they become retention problems

Improve communication between management, dispatch, and drivers

Increase driver retention rates by addressing specific driver concerns

Contact us for your free strategy session to see how WorkHound might look in your organization.

Let's Build Better Workplaces Together

Revolutionize your company culture and your worker retention rates by improving communication and engagement.

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