A User’s Guide to Getting a Feedback Program Up & Running

You’ve decided to implement a feedback program for your team of professional drivers. Congratulations! That decision can have a big impact on keeping your employees satisfied during a time of high workforce turnover. But what’s your next step?

When you implement a new process or procedure, it’s important to be thoughtful about putting it into place. Missteps can lead to a longer than necessary ramp-up period, or cause the program to fall totally flat.

That’s why we recommend that companies partnering with WorkHound to gather feedback do so with a multilayered approach.

“When we’re implementing WorkHound at a new company, we go through a process that starts with educating leaders to help them understand how to establish the program into their processes,” says Cheney Tardio, Director of Customer Success with WorkHound. “Then we work on getting the messaging in front of those in the company who will be on the frontlines of implementing the program. And finally, we’ll work on their messaging to the employees themselves, educating them about why we’re asking for their insights.”

Why is that three-pronged approach so important? Let’s take a look at why it works.

Step 1: Educating the Leadership Team

When you’re starting the process of implementing a feedback program, it’s likely that you already have some level of buy-in from your leadership team. But you’ll need more from executives than simply an OK to get started — you’ll also need ongoing support.

“The most important part of this entire program is trust, and trust isn’t built overnight,” Cheney says. “We want a company to gain confidence in WorkHound, which is why we start with the decision-makers, those who can make decisions based on the feedback that’s gathered.”

This step involves information-sharing with the leadership team about how the program works, as well as the various ways that the tool and the data it gathers can benefit a company’s retention efforts. Once they’re bought in, they can help get other employees interested.

“Getting the C-suite to buy in and willing to make a company-wide statement about WorkHound is important,” Cheney says. “This can be done through things like an internal podcast or a YouTube account, or they may make an announcement of some sort.”

Step 2: Teaching the Frontline the Basics

Once there’s buy-in from leadership, it’s time to share the details with those who will be invested in how the program works, day-in and day-out. They’re the ones who will be getting their “hands dirty,” so to speak.

“This step involves talking with the frontline of the frontline — dispatchers and managers, those who are interacting with employees every day and can advocate for WorkHound,” Cheney says. “We teach them about how the program works, much like we did with the leadership team, but also how to encourage drivers to really share their thoughts and concerns.”

The messaging shared with frontline employees also includes tips about best practices that will help the company truly reap the benefits of a feedback program.

“Our biggest tip is to take action on feedback really quickly,” Cheney says. “Offer drivers a ‘quick win’ when they first use the tool, so they can see that their interaction is backed up with action on the part of the company. This is all about creating that relationship between the workers and the companies so they can earn trust, loyalty, and pride in what they’re able to accomplish together.”

Step 3: Share Why and How the Program Works With Drivers

And finally, it’s time to talk about the program with the drivers themselves!

“Once everyone has been educated about how the program works, it is unveiled to the drivers, who get a heads-up that we’re going to communicate with them directly via their phones so they aren’t surprised,” Cheney says. “We talk with them about how to leave feedback and the types of feedback they can leave. We reiterate that the process is truly anonymous and that they should feel comfortable providing honest comments.”

Creating a strong level of understanding about what WorkHound is and how it works can yield results for both drivers and the trucking carrier itself. That’s especially important in an industry rife with distrust based on past experiences.

“Everyone comes to a company with baggage,” Cheney says. “New employers have an opportunity to quickly let their employees know that they’re different from those past experiences.”

Wondering whether a feedback program is right for your trucking company? Sign up for a free demo to learn how WorkHound can help!

driver feedback, driver retention, driver satisfaction

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