Feedback Program: Can You Set it and Forget it?

feedback program

In today’s world, important tools in life and work are almost fully automated. But while convenient, automated tools and services offer their own set of problems.

After all, who among us hasn’t selected an option to automatically renew a subscription and then promptly forgot all about it? While that’s a light-hearted example, it’s all too easy to automate a process and then neglect it, which can lead to less-than-optimal results.

That’s especially true for feedback programs. There are definite benefits in providing your drivers the opportunity to offer feedback regularly, but there are even more benefits to staying engaged in the feedback process.

Let’s talk about some of the reasons why you shouldn’t “set it and forget it” when it comes to your company’s feedback program:

  1. Prompt Action Is Essential in Curbing Driver Turnover

This is perhaps the most important reason. Drivers who are unhappy can quickly and easily move from one company to another, giving their existing companies little to no time to respond.

“We know that driver turnover happens really fast,” says Katie Love, Marketing Manager at WorkHound. “That’s why it’s so important for companies to be able to review feedback and react to it just as quickly. Drivers providing feedback gives an opportunity to correct something that’s wrong.”

By using WorkHound as a feedback program to communicate with drivers, companies are afforded multiple tools that they can use to work through problems with employees. When feedback needs a quick response, companies can intervene using the one-time notification feature or by asking the driver to reveal their identity in order to get a better handle on an individual situation.

  1. Feedback Enables You to Adapt

Keeping a close eye on feedback not only helps companies handle situations with individual drivers, but also allows them to develop strategies for handling issues that may arise with a larger group.

“If companies are looking at feedback regularly, they can work quickly to provide clarity about any issues that may be causing widespread confusion or frustration amongst drivers,” Love says.

And with WorkHound, you can expect to be equipped with the information you need to make informed decisions regarding your drivers’ needs regularly.

“Every customer receives a weekly summary of feedback,” Love says. “That comes in without the company having to do anything and allows them to see the most critical concerns on the dashboard. They’re able to use that information in the decisions they’re making as a company and in deciding what needs to be done to keep drivers happy and safe.”

  1. Drivers Are Always on the Clock

For many businesses, work-related concerns happen between the hours of 9 to 5, Monday through Friday. While this structure doesn’t make it any easier to handle employee concerns, it does keep them confined to a certain timeframe. 

But as you know, drivers can be on the road at any time of day, any day of the week, throughout the year. Their needs and concerns often pop up quickly, and they’re typically outside of normal “business hours.” That makes actively listening to what drivers need even more important. Simply setting up a feedback program and then looking at the feedback infrequently won’t cut it.

“A successful feedback program shows your drivers that you care about their needs, no matter the topic and no matter the time of day,” Love says. “The more your drivers see you using their feedback to implement positive change, the more trust you’ll build with your entire team.”

Want to see the impact of a driver feedback program for yourself? Sign up for a free demo to learn how we can help!

change, company culture, driver feedback, feedback culture, retention

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