Harnessing the Power of Text Messaging for Employee Survey Software

Effective communication is the bedrock of business in many ways. It fosters engagement, drives productivity, and nurtures a positive work environment. For frontline workers who are often on the move and work remotely, staying connected can be challenging. That’s why WorkHound focused on creating a real-time messaging option designed specifically for the dispersed workforce. WorkHound offers industry-leading employee survey software that leverages anonymous text messaging for employee feedback, making it a unique and powerful tool for improving workplace culture, transparency, and engagement.

Why WorkHound Chose Text Messaging

Early on, WorkHound’s founders recognized that text messages were a highly effective way to reach remote workers. Text messaging boasts higher response rates than phone and email, and texts are typically read and responded to quickly, making them ideal for real-time communication. Text messaging is also universally accessible, even for those without smartphones, eliminating the need for app downloads and ensuring no one is excluded. Additionally, texting complies with safety regulations by allowing workers to respond at their convenience — a particularly useful consideration for remote workforces that are frequently on the road. Ultimately, WorkHound landed on text messaging because it meets workers where they are, fostering better participation and trust and enhancing overall communication and engagement.

WorkHound Text Message Survey Technology: Key Features

With WorkHound, leaders have the tools to engage every worker, keep a constant pulse on employee sentiment, and improve the status quo with several key features:

  • Real-Time, Solution-Oriented Feedback: WorkHound’s platform allows employees to share their thoughts instantly, ensuring that leaders can respond in a timely way to all relevant matters. This ongoing feedback loop is crucial for raising concerns that can then be addressed quickly and effectively, demonstrating to employees that their voices are heard and valued.
  • Unfiltered, Honest Engagement: Ensuring confidentiality, WorkHound encourages candid communication and builds trust between leaders and the workforce. This feature allows companies to capture honest and transparent feedback from workers who are free to share their thoughts without fear of repercussions or exposure. This shield of anonymity creates a safe and supportive environment that fosters openness and participation.
  • Weekly Broadcasts: With WorkHound’s broadcast tools, leaders can keep employees informed, sharing what they heard from workers in feedback and what actions the company is taking based on the information shared. This kind of transparency proves to workers that feedback leads to tangible change, creating a deep sense of trust between workers and leaders and driving a healthy company culture.
  • Data Analytics: WorkHound’s data enables informed decision-making by identifying patterns and areas for development. With extensive insights into worker sentiments, leaders can proactively address issues and take action to improve overall employee satisfaction.

How an Employee Survey Software Impacts Employee Engagement and Retention

Featuring open communication and transparency, WorkHound helps companies build a more engaged and dedicated workforce. With ongoing communication and a healthy feedback loop, employees can voice their concerns and solutions in real time, giving leaders a chance to solve problems and intervene in pressing issues.

By involving employees in decision-making and addressing their concerns, WorkHound helps leaders build a collaborative workplace environment. It also helps them recognize and reward high performers, which boosts motivation and morale.

With the tailwinds of trust and accountability, companies across North America use WorkHound to build dedicated workforces with high retention. Companies like PS Logistics and Custom Commodities have managed to cut turnover rates in half by using WorkHound to improve communication and engagement with their workforce​.

Text Message Surveys With WorkHound

WorkHound stands out as a unique and powerful tool for gathering real-time, anonymous feedback from frontline workers. With a highly effective text messaging platform, WorkHound drives higher response rates and ensures inclusivity, reaching workers wherever they are — without the need for app downloads. Real-time feedback, anonymous communication, and robust data analytics facilitate open communication, build trust, and give leaders an opportunity to make timely interventions. Together, these elements help build a more engaged and dedicated workforce, improving overall workforce satisfaction, which inherently supports better retention.

Companies using WorkHound see improved worker relations that help support healthy retention and significant reductions in turnover. PS Logistics cut turnover in half, while Covenant Logistics retained 1,000 more drivers year over year after implementing WorkHound.

By leveraging the power of text messaging, WorkHound meets the needs of remote and mobile workforces, driving better participation, trust, and engagement, ultimately transforming workplace communication and culture.

To learn more about how WorkHound’s text message feedback platform can support your company culture, contact us today to book a demo.

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