Truck Driver Uniforms: To Uniform or to not Uniform?

The typical truck driver is known to be wearing a flannel, a pair of blue jeans, and the iconic trucker hat. This may be a stereotypical depiction of a truck driver, but of course, drivers dress differently based on gender and preference. For a lot of truck drivers, their favorite part of the job is the freedom they feel while on the road. Could part of this freedom be the ability to wear whatever they want? Or does that really matter to drivers?

The main problem that trucking companies are running into while not having a dress code for their drivers is an image. Some drivers are seen at truck stops wearing grungy clothes, looking like they haven’t showered in days (Yes, we know showers are expensive) and this can cause the public to have a negative view of the company they drive for or for the industry as a whole. Although people shouldn’t judge others based on clothing or looks, it’s human nature, making it unavoidable. shares how Gary Salisbury, the CEO of FTL Custom Commodities, understood this problem and made a change in his company to boost their image. Companies have to worry about their image to the public in order to continue to be successful in the industry, whether it be booking new jobs or recruiting new drivers.

Positives of Uniforms

·      Creates a more professional Image

·      Helps drivers feel like a part of a team

·      Inspires drivers to portray company values

Negatives of Uniforms

·      Takes away personal freedom

·      More expense for drivers and/or company

·      Could cause frustration for drivers who are forced to wear uniforms after years of not wearing them

As company leaders, you should inspire your drivers to boost their feeling of self-worth by encouraging them to dress for success. This does necessarily mean that you have to impose a uniform. It could be as simple as starting a dress code. It’s important to know your drivers and anticipate how they will react before you announce any new dress codes or uniforms. If you do decide to change your company standards on dress make sure you thoroughly explain why the changes are being made. If your drivers understand the value behind it, they’ll be less likely to be upset by the changes.

Does your company have uniforms? Are you all about the freedom to wear what you want? Let us know what you think!

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