Built specifically for the frontline workforce, WorkHound gives workers a voice with a platform for real-time anonymous feedback.

How It Works

Capture Real-Time Feedback

WorkHound prompts workers to share honest, anonymous feedback about their work experience with a simple format that takes minutes to answer

Use Actionable Insights

Review feedback as it is shared and leverage data-driven insights to decide how to best support your frontline workforce with meaningful change

Create Impactful Communication

Keep your workers informed and engaged by sharing plans to resolve raised issues, and let them know how their feedback supports the company

Anonymous feedback made easy

Worker retention is tough. WorkHound makes it easier.

Give your workers a voice, and gain actionable intel for correcting issues that mean the most to them.


Workers on the platform


Of worker feedback includes praise


Improvement in annualized turnover


Resolution rate for likely-to-quit scenarios


WorkHound is a real-time feedback platform built for frontline workers and their employers. Delivering insightful analytics from anonymous feedback collected directly from the workforce, helping companies of all sizes reduce turnover, retain employees, and boost profitability.

The WorkHound platform stands out by offering a comprehensive suite of anonymous feedback tools designed to simplify the feedback process. With anonymous On-demand Feedback and Targeted Feedback, our platform ensures that every voice is heard. With features like automated insights and feedback analysis, WorkHound turns candid feedback into a strategic asset.

  • Improved Retention

    The workforce is the lifeblood of business. Retain more workers by catching intervenable issues with proactive feedback.

  • Purpose In Communications

    Give your communications purpose and close the feedback loop with real-time, honest feedback you can act on.

  • Operational Intelligence

    Find blindspots in your operations and make strategic changes using hard data to support leaders and help them build their best teams.

Don’t Miss the Moment

Industries We Serve

WorkHound provides a powerful solution for employee engagement and worker retention, even in industries where turnover is notoriously high. Gather, analyze, and address employee feedback in real time to resolve more issues and retain more workers.

Great Workplaces Need Great Workforces.
Great Workforces Use WorkHound.


WorkHound helps companies create what we call a “culture of curiosity.” We understand that employee retention signifies much more than just a statistic on a quarterly report; it reflects the heart and soul of your company’s culture and the strength of your team’s bond.

Through our platform, we empower workers to share their honest, anonymous feedback about their work experiences, utilizing a straightforward format that takes just minutes to complete. This process not only uncovers the underlying factors affecting employee turnover but also highlights the aspects of your workplace that encourage loyalty and commitment.

By providing a voice to your employees in such a simple yet effective manner, WorkHound helps you tap into the real sentiments driving your team’s engagement and satisfaction. It’s about creating an environment where employees don’t just stay because they have to, but because they feel heard, valued, and understood.

With WorkHound, retention reflects a positive workplace culture, where every piece of feedback contributes to a more engaged and dedicated workforce.

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Happy WorkHound Customers

With WorkHound, organizations around the country are leaning into engagement and building fundamentally healthier workplaces.

5-Star Rating

"WorkHound is a game changer for a company that wants to reduce turnover!"

5-Star Rating

"WorkHound has been a game-changer. We wish we'd started sooner. After years of struggling to manage it in-house, using WorkHound has accelerated our progress significantly."

5-Star Rating

"PSL sought help, and WorkHound delivered. Their program fueled our growth, built worker trust, and improved communication between our office and staff. Thanks to WorkHound, we've tackled issues more efficiently.”

5-Star Rating

"Dollar for dollar, best retention tool on the market."

5-Star Rating

“What I like about WorkHound is that it’s actionable data in real-time. Data is coming in every day. We’re able to look at trends and things that are happening right away.”

5-Star Rating

"Workhound is a business partner that makes you better at every stage of their process."

5-Star Rating

"By far the best retention tool I have ever used."

5-Star Rating

"Real time data helps us understand employee sentiment and identify operational blind spots.”

Let's Build Better Workplaces Together

Revolutionize your company culture and your worker retention rates by improving communication and engagement.

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